About Lendy

Lendy – A platform with purpose.

Generate passive income with no initial funds.

We’re a Sunshine Coast-based team of determined humans on a mission to create more opportunities, more experiences, more connection, and more financial freedom for you and your community.

Meet the Lendy team.

As a team, we’re down-to-earth and determined humans living on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. Each at different life stages and with our own unique stories, challenges and daily responsibilities, we share common concerns: life’s expensive, and the cost of living is only increasing. And we’re using too many resources and over-consuming as a society.

With interest rates rising, mortgages through the roof and inflation at a new all-time high, we understand that now more than ever we need to find better ways to make money and save money without too much capital or risk.

And that’s what Lendy is all about… we’re for the stay-at-home mum to the expecting couple, the beachside homeowner to the vacationer on the go, we’re the meeting place online that gets items shared between locals and passers-by.

We’re about making change with every exchange by transforming how we spend and consume as a society.

Kalena Stano

Bronte Cresswell

Melissa Vonhoff

Alex Clark

Krystal Miller

Mike Nelson

Our mission is to provide a real solution that empowers communities to engage in true sustainability, benefiting them directly by earning + saving money, and fostering meaningful connections.

We are driven by the belief that we can all have more by simply connecting and sharing.

Our values.

Humans first, business second.

We serve with purpose and passion. We make ourselves available through human-to-human interactions. We are good listeners, deep thinkers, and empathetic problem solvers.

Community & connection.

We cultivate connection and create a culture of respect and kindness.
We want our sharers, borrowers, and wider communities to feel a sense of safety and belonging.

A more sustainable future.

We are determined, passionate and vocal about a better way of life. We’re here to facilitate the shift toward collective consumerism… for spending that’s better for people and the planet!